The campaign

What does a society look like...

  • ... that really strengthens mothers?
  • ... that gives mothers the strength to be there for others without losing themselves?

A society in which equality is not a nice word for Sunday speeches, but a lived reality, from the local parliament to the Bundestag?

We're tired of waiting!

What is needed NOW is the will and the drive to implement the changes that associations and initiatives have been calling for for decades.

Motherhood - in all its diversity - is a wonderful thing. What it needs is a framework that allows us mothers, as different as we are, to live a good life.

Not in 30 or 50 years' time, but NOW!

Our vision: A society that puts mothers at the center!

  1. In this society, there is a healthcare system that takes mothers seriously at the birth of their children and strengthens.
  2. There are low-threshold support services for families throughout the country. The implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Women and the Istanbul Convention on the Protection against Violence is finally a matter of course.
  3. Caring for others becomes not as a "nice-to-have", but as the basis of all life recognized! It is valued, fairly distributed and financed accordingly.
  4. In such a society, mothers can finally lead a truly free and equal life. Their everyday lives are no longer determined by time pressure, social devaluation and poverty. They can leave violent partnerships behind, are financially secure into old age and can also be an inspiring role model for their children.
  5. Becoming a mother is no longer the point in our biography at which we lose our equality.

We stand for such a society at the May 10, 2025shortly before Mother's Day!

We need a real rethink NOW - and concrete steps that give mothers and people who care for others the equal rights they have long deserved.

We demand!

We demand the consistent inclusion of mothers in all socially relevant decisions.

We call for the knowledge and experience of mothers to be used to ensure participation and equal opportunities. This applies to all socially relevant areas: Health, education, climate change, but also urban planning, housing, work, transportation and the fundamental transformation of our society.

We achieve equality when we give mothers and people who care for others Actively integrate decision-making processesat municipal, state and federal level.

We can get creative here and think about new political participation formats. Why not organize a Walk-and-talk with baby carriages on politically relevant topics or a political brunch at the weekend, of course with parallel childcare. The way to do this is to Valuing female expertsinstead of holding them out as supplicants.

We call for the diversity of mothers to be made visible and utilized.

Our diversity as mothers is a strength. As mothers, we live in partnerships or are single parents, have a history of migration or flight or have been rooted in our hometown for many years. We have become mothers at a young or old age, are employed or have no gainful employment. As mothers, we care for our relatives, have adopted our children, are trans mothers or live under completely different circumstances.

What connects us: We all need support, that is geared to our needs. And free from paternalism, racism and discrimination. To achieve this, we need to find out what mothers really need and how their needs can be met - including in the healthcare system, but not only there.

We demand a healthcare system that takes discriminatory and racist social conditions seriously as a cause of illness and actively combats them.

We need gender-sensitive healthcare across the board that takes into account factors such as social status, access to education and financial resources, disability, age and different experiences of discrimination.

Mothers are to be taken seriously Advocates for their health needs.

Health services, check-ups and antenatal classes still reach mothers with a low level of education, low income and a history of migration or flight far too rarely.

Mothers with a history of migration and flight urgently need multilingual information, culturally sensitive medical staff and for their experiences to be taken seriously. We can achieve equal opportunities and self-determination by eliminating unequal treatment and discrimination now. Stop unequal distribution of resources and show solidarity with disadvantaged mothers. We need a healthcare system that evaluates these social factors and consistently takes them into account in treatments and in the training of those involved.

We demand the strengthening of maternal health for the healthy development of children and a contemporary image of motherhood.

The health of mothers is a A basic requirement for the healthy development of children. Families need a healthy and liveable environment, affordable housing, financial security and protection from violence. For the health of mothers, society must leave behind traditional patriarchal ideas of motherhood. The image of the mother, who willingly sacrifices herself for others and is responsible for everything within the family, is not acceptable. Feelings of guilt and attempts at self-optimization are the result. However, children need mothers who exemplify a positive image of motherhood and humanity on an equal footing. This also includes the opportunity to freely dispose of their own time.

We demand a national health target for maternal health!

Our vision is of a society that mothers decide strengthens and supports and takes into account particularities such as gender, cultural and religious affiliations, educational background, physical and mental limitations and age.

A national health goal "Maternal health" sets out precisely these objectives, in addition to the national health goal "Childbirth health".

Mothers are the origin and basis of all life. Without them, families, our social system and not least our economy would collapse. They are worthy of us finally putting their needs first, protecting their health and providing sufficient financial resources to do so.

This is the only way to achieve true equality!

How is the campaign progressing?

The campaign starts in January 2025 on Instagram. 

High-profile supporters and feminist activists accompany the campaign and give our cause reach through their commitment.

Two central events will follow in Berlin in May 2025

A specialist day on maternal health on May 9, which will include the 55th anniversary of the Evangelical Association for Women's Health (EVA)

The demonstration "100,000 mothers in front of the Brandenburg Gate" on May 10, where we present our demands to politicians.

Merchandise such as hoodies, shirts and caps are available for support and greater visibility (to the store).

The campaign runs until August 2025 to bring the demands to the attention of the public in the long term and drive forward the discussion on maternal health and social equality.

Who is behind the campaign?

The Evangelical Association for Women's Health (EVA)


Elly Heuss-Knapp Foundation, German Mothers' Convalescence Fund


Women's Health Working Group (AKF)


Initiative #MothersPowerPolitics
