1. focus on the reality of mothers
1.7 million families in Germany are single or separated parents. This affects one in five families.
Of the 2.97 million single parents in Germany 2.39 million millsr.
2. risk of poverty for single mothers
Single mothers have a three times higher risk of poverty than mothers in couple relationships.
Despite being gainfully employed, many are dependent on supplementary social benefits.
3. care work and financial burden
Concentrating on care work often means
- Less financial security.
- Fewer pension entitlements.
- Long-term economic dependence.
4. health situation
Single mothers are more likely to suffer from depression and stress, report poorer general health and exhibit more harmful health behaviors than mothers in couple families.
5 Necessary changes
The situation shows:
Care work must be distributed more fairly.
The economic independence of mothers needs stronger framework conditions.
6 Objectives of the family report
- Promoting the economic independence of parents, especially mothers.
- Recognizing and supporting family diversity.
- Reducing structural barriers and strengthening shared parental responsibility.
7 The German welfare state: obstacle or support?
The complexity of the system creates unnecessary barriers. Simplification and transparency are key requirements to make it easier for mothers and families to access benefits.
8. conclusion
The message of the Family Report:
Mothers and their children belong at the center of political decisions.
Equal rights, economic security and fair framework conditions strengthen mothers and society.
Strong together!
The future begins with equality - let's stand up together for mothers and their children.