Become part of "100,000 Mothers" - we introduce you! Thank you for supporting our "100,000 Mothers" campaign! So that we can introduce you on our website, we ask you to complete the following questions:
Antje Krause
Management of Haus Daheim prevention and rehabilitation clinic, women's health activist
WebsiteSocial: hausdaheim_
It is high time to make our vision of an equal and diverse society a reality. I am particularly inspired by the power that comes from solidarity, sisterhood and connection. 100,000 mothers in front of the Brandenburg Gate - what image could better express our unwavering will for real change?
Women carry out the majority of paid and unpaid care work - and most of them are mothers. But they receive far too little support. At the 2023 AKF conference on maternal health, it was clear that it is not enough to keep naming the problem - there must be visible changes. This urge for action gave rise to the idea of gathering 100,000 mothers in front of the Brandenburg Gate and making their voices unmistakable.
Rebekka Rupprecht
Managing Director of the Mothers' Convalescent Home
Care work concerns us all and therefore also the health of mothers and other people with care responsibilities. For me, the campaign symbolizes a large community that recognizes this, shows solidarity and stands up for better framework conditions.
Andrea Boyer
Managing Director Ev. Müttergenesung Württemberg gGmbH
WebsiteSocial: @muettergenesung_wuerttemberg
I am thrilled that so many organizations are joining our campaign. It's time for mothers to have a stronger lobby and be heard.
Sarah Zöllner
Journalist and author. Founder of the action and networking platform #MütterMachtPolitik
WebsiteSocial: Instagram: @muetter_macht_politik, FB: Mütter_Macht_Politik
I am fascinated by the networking idea behind this campaign! Mothers and people with caring responsibilities need to be much more present in all areas of society. Only if we reach a critical mass will our concerns be heard and taken seriously. Mothers belong on company boards, in the management of public institutions and on political committees. We can only achieve this together, in all our diversity. That's why I support this campaign!
Delphine Takwi
Consultant for Transcultural Dialogue and Maternal Health at the Frauenwerk der Nordkirche
Germany today is an intercultural country. In such a world, maternal health is very important. Maternal health is directly linked to the health of the child: Healthy mothers are more likely to raise healthier children - the well-being of mothers can affect the physical and mental health of their children for years to come. That's why we can no longer remain silent. The time is now for us to stand up, step out and speak clearly about our issues and rights as mothers.
Katrin Schmidt
Chairwoman of the Evangelical Association for Women's Health e.V.
I am excited by the idea of making our demands loud and clear in the middle of Berlin with a mass of mothers, women, children and supporters. It's time: we need a fair distribution of care work between all genders and good, supportive framework conditions for mothers and all those who perform care work - not in 30 years' time, but NOW!
Associations and initiatives
Combination of the vulvas
We create feminist utopias.
The "100,000 Mothers" campaign creates the visibility that is long overdue in order to promote equality and justice.
Together we continue to shape the world of work in such a way that life and...
It is mothers and care workers who subsidize our economy. On the contrary, they are confronted with conditions and structural hurdles that lead to exhaustion and professional work below their own level of competence and thus financial dependency. And exhaustion makes you quiet. But we mothers need to speak up! 100,000 Mothers starts right there with its demands and unites in times of division. For the good of all. We at JOBS FOR MOMS are fully behind this and say THANK YOU for the great commitment!
Association of Working Mothers (VBM)
As a lobby for working mothers and those who want to become one (again)...
From the kitchen table in Cologne in 1990 and diapers at the town hall to the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin with changing female board members and now with many companions who are committed to a contemporary, consistent and equality-oriented family policy on a voluntary basis, it is long overdue that we mothers in our diversity make ourselves visible together in political Berlin in the fight for equal rights and equality. The vision of an inclusive society in which women's rights are recognized as human rights, equality and equality with #EqualCare, #EqualPay, #EqualPension and equal opportunities for self-realization are a matter of course and culture, is our motivation to be part of this important campaign!
Mom Care Podcast
We talk to moms every week about all sides of...
We see every day in our private lives, at work and in our podcast how strong mothers have to be and how little support they often have. That has to change!
Natalie Stanczak & Nicole Noller (Facesofmoms)
Photographer & Project Manager
WebsiteSocial: @facesofmoms
The "100,000 Mothers" campaign moves us because it gives us the opportunity to bring the invisible stories and faces of mothers and caregivers into our society. It opens up space for what has long been overlooked: the challenges that caregivers silently bear, the injustices that are often taken for granted. This campaign embodies the call for justice, for equality, for recognition. It brings us together, makes us stand up and feel the power of visibility - a power that has the potential to change structures that have always weighed on the backs of caregivers.