Become part of "100,000 Mothers" - we introduce you! Thank you for supporting our "100,000 Mothers" campaign! So that we can introduce you on our website, we ask you to complete the following questions:
Antje Krause
Management of Haus Daheim prevention and rehabilitation clinic, women's health activist
WebsiteSocial: hausdaheim_
It is high time to make our vision of an equal and diverse society a reality. I am particularly inspired by the power that comes from solidarity, sisterhood and connection. 100,000 mothers in front of the Brandenburg Gate - what image could better express our unwavering will for real change?
Women carry out the majority of paid and unpaid care work - and most of them are mothers. But they receive far too little support. At the 2023 AKF conference on maternal health, it was clear that it is not enough to keep naming the problem - there must be visible changes. This urge for action gave rise to the idea of gathering 100,000 mothers in front of the Brandenburg Gate and making their voices unmistakable.
Rebekka Rupprecht
Managing Director of the Mothers' Convalescent Home
Care work concerns us all and therefore also the health of mothers and other people with care responsibilities. For me, the campaign symbolizes a large community that recognizes this, shows solidarity and stands up for better framework conditions.
Andrea Boyer
Managing Director Ev. Müttergenesung Württemberg gGmbH
WebsiteSocial: @muettergenesung_wuerttemberg
I am thrilled that so many organizations are joining our campaign. It's time for mothers to have a stronger lobby and be heard.
Sarah Zöllner
Journalist and author. Founder of the action and networking platform #MütterMachtPolitik
WebsiteSocial: Instagram: @muetter_macht_politik, FB: Mütter_Macht_Politik
I am fascinated by the networking idea behind this campaign! Mothers and people with caring responsibilities need to be much more present in all areas of society. Only if we reach a critical mass will our concerns be heard and taken seriously. Mothers belong on company boards, in the management of public institutions and on political committees. We can only achieve this together, in all our diversity. That's why I support this campaign!
Delphine Takwi
Consultant for Transcultural Dialogue and Maternal Health at the Frauenwerk der Nordkirche
Germany today is an intercultural country. In such a world, maternal health is very important. Maternal health is directly linked to the health of the child: Healthy mothers are more likely to raise healthier children - the well-being of mothers can affect the physical and mental health of their children for years to come. That's why we can no longer remain silent. The time is now for us to stand up, step out and speak clearly about our issues and rights as mothers.
Katrin Schmidt
Chairwoman of the Evangelical Association for Women's Health e.V.
I am excited by the idea of making our demands loud and clear in the middle of Berlin with a mass of mothers, women, children and supporters. It's time: we need a fair distribution of care work between all genders and good, supportive framework conditions for mothers and all those who perform care work - not in 30 years' time, but NOW!
Associations and initiatives
Great community campaign that makes women visible in all their diversity and with their incredible strength!
Lisa von Reiche, Midwives for Germany e.V.
Midwife, volunteer for the preservation of individual obstetrics
I have been campaigning for the respectful treatment of mothers for years and think networking is important. I like speaking up with one voice.
Federal Working Group of Municipal Women's Offices and Equal Opportunities Offices
We are the nationwide interest group for municipal women's and equal opportunities officers.
We are committed to a fair gender equality policy and therefore support the "100,000 Mothers" campaign. Mothers make an enormous contribution to society, but are structurally disadvantaged - be it through unfair pay and pension systems or the unequal distribution of care work. The campaign's demands - more visibility, a say, better healthcare for mothers and a fairer distribution of care work - are also our demands, as they are central concerns of a modern gender equality policy.
Unpaid Care Work
Fictitious company, for visibility and recognition of care work
Although mothers make a significant contribution to the success of society and the economy, they are still systematically disadvantaged and their achievements in the area of care work are made invisible and sometimes even devalued. It is time for us to join forces to draw attention to the fact that we mothers deserve to be seen and demand our equal place in our society. That is why we wholeheartedly support this campaign.
Susanne Veit
Managing Director and Board Member of MINE Mothercenters international
WebsiteSocial: You can find us on facebook and INSTA under @familienversteherin
We want a society in which care is the basis of all life, care work is visible and fairly paid, mothers do not have to choose between family and equality and their health takes center stage. Poverty in old age and poverty among single parents must no longer be a fate. We won't wait any longer - only together can we achieve this!
Community - Events - Empowerment for mothers
We are mothers ourselves and our hearts burn for mothers. As a platform, we support women with children wherever we can and it is therefore logical that we support this campaign. There is so much to do and we must finally set an example so that we are not constantly ignored, ridiculed and disadvantaged. That is what we are campaigning for!
Dorothee Junkermann
Chairwoman of the Werraland Foundation for Family Health; Managing Director of the mother-child rehabilitation facility Klinik...
For me, a modern women's, health and social policy is particularly important. This must include holistic support for women in the family system. We are still a long way from achieving this as a society, and even more so for those with political responsibility.
Ute Richter - The mother caregiver
Maternity care worker, author, advocate, speaker
From 10 years of professional experience as a maternity care worker, dealing with pregnant women and women who have recently given birth and the plight of obstetrics, I show my attitude, my compassion, my will to "Change - for more quality of life and maternity protection".
Astrid Draxler
System. Couple/family therapist, FenKid parent-child courses, Familylab parent counseling
WebsiteSocial: astriddraxler
What mothers do for the health of their families cannot be taken for granted. The strength of mothers and caregivers holds our community together. In addition to the invisible care work, gainful employment, which is usually only possible part-time, leads to a loss of self-esteem if career paths are blocked as a result, and later, for a large group, directly into poverty in old age. This must change. Ideally together with fathers. I am also involved in the Equal Care Munich alliance.
Juliane Beck
Activist on women's health issues and obstetrics
Mothers and what they do for society must finally come into the public eye.
Leonie Adam
Professional: Copywriter, editor, author and presenter. Voluntary: Commitment against the right,...
WebsiteSocial: and
What inspires me about the "100,000 Mothers" campaign is that we are finally joining forces (again), pooling our strength and showing that we are neither small, quiet nor indifferent. We want to create our own future and that of the children with whom we live(d) and have a say in matters that affect us and future generations. It is enough for us to be included rather than addressed and we take the space we deserve. 100,000 mothers and more are clearly visible and unmistakable. Be part of it too!
Carsten Vonnoh
Supporting fathers in their responsibility, sensitizing professionals and encouraging parents to...
I believe that as families, as parents, we have been far too quiet, too exhausted, too powerless, too disorganized, even though our challenges are so central. And I am very pleased that so many mothers are leading the way in becoming more political and would like to stand by their side as a father and father expert.
Katinka Zeuner
Coaching with a feminist perspective
The campaign speaks to me from the heart by addressing the many demands placed on mothers and focusing on the persistent gender care gap, the lack of recognition for mothers' achievements and the structural overload. I am particularly keen to focus on the long-term consequences of unpaid care work for women, such as the threat of poverty in old age due to low pension entitlements.
Kristin Seeland
Managing Director Birth Center
Gustav Heinemann put it aptly: You can recognize the value of a society by the way it treats the weakest of its members. Mothers are the backbone of society, it is more than overdue that this is placed at the center of all action.
The best thing about the campaign is that the joint action of so many women creates visibility! It is essential that politicians and society recognize the mental load of many mothers as a challenge that requires action.
Yvonne Maisenbacher
Counselor in a diaconal district office, e.g. on health and cures
Care work, especially that of mothers, must be publicly recognized. Parents and carers make a huge contribution to this society, usually without financial recognition.