
Manja Liehr

published on


One step - but not enough!

The Bundestag has passed the Maternity Protection Adjustment Act, which grants women maternity protection for the first time after a miscarriage from the 13th week of pregnancy. The staggered protection is an important step forward, but is not enough.
📌 What is changing:
✔️ Two to eight weeks of protection depending on the week of pregnancy
✔️ No more sick leave requirement
✔️ Protection against dismissal during the maternity protection period
✔️ Extension of maternity protection to female civil servants, soldiers and self-employed persons with statutory insurance
❌ But large gaps remain:
🔴 No maternity protection for self-employed people with private insurance - they remain without financial protection.
🔴 Why staggered periods? Every miscarriage means a serious physical and emotional break - so why different protection periods?
🔴 Structural inequality remains: Maternity protection continues to protect only parts of society and leaves out many of those affected.
📢 Our demand: Comprehensive and fair maternity protection for all - regardless of employment status or week of pregnancy!
On May 10, 2025, we will stand in front of the Brandenburg Gate - for real equality and protection for all mothers!
⭕️ 100,000 mothers | May 10, 2025 | Brandenburg Gate
❤️ Be part of it!
#hundertausendmuetter #EqualityNow #MaternityProtectionForAll #FairLaws #Self-EmployedAndUnprotected


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