Principles of the "100,000 Mothers" campaign
Our "100,000 Mothers" campaign stands for equality, solidarity and a better future for mothers, families and caregivers. We want to drive social change that stands for diversity, justice and peaceful coexistence. Our principles show what we stand for and how we are shaping this path together.
1. non-violence
We act peacefully and stand up for the dignity and rights of all people. Violence - whether physical or psychological - has no place in our campaign.
2. inclusion and diversity
Our movement is open to everyone, regardless of origin, gender, religion, sexual orientation, age or physical and mental abilities. We firmly reject discrimination of any kind. Diversity is an enrichment.
3. transparency
We communicate our goals, decisions and actions clearly and openly. Everyone involved is committed to the values of the campaign and acts accordingly.
4. participation and empowerment
We encourage people to get actively involved and give mothers and carers in particular a voice. Their perspectives and needs are at the heart of our work.
5 Democratic structures
We make our decisions democratically and in a participatory manner. Hierarchy-free, respectful communication is of central importance to us.
6 Sustainability and responsibility
We are committed to the careful use of natural resources and a future worth living. Our actions are geared towards ecological, social and economic responsibility.
7. orientation towards the common good
Our goals serve the good of society as a whole and strive for better living conditions for all mothers, families and caregivers. Individual interests or economic profits must not contradict these goals.
8. differentiation from hate and violence
We clearly distance ourselves from all groups that promote violence, hatred or discrimination. We exclude cooperation with such actors.
9. self-criticism and further development
We are open to constructive criticism and feedback. We see mistakes as a learning opportunity to continuously develop and pursue our goals more effectively.
Join in!
Our campaign is a place of solidarity, diversity and respect. If you share these values, we invite you to become part of our movement. Together, we are shaping a fairer society and working for a better future - for mothers, families and all caregivers.